Snow Day Restlessness Kills the Buns and Thighs

Icy roads = no school/work + a closed gym.

I was really in the mood for a nice long treadmill run today. Instead, I spent some time with Jillian.

I already posted the video for Jillian’s Six-Week Six Pack.  Today, I followed that workout with Killer Buns and Thighs.  It’s no joke.

I’m a little shaky just sitting here typing!

I definitely couldn’t do these DVDs every day, but it’s nice to have something when the gym isn’t an option…or when I don’t feel like leaving the house!

Now I’m off to figure out a new smoothie.  And to figure out what I’m going to do with ANOTHER day of no school.

New Year List Item: Lifting Weights

One of the things on my 2014 List is to do more strength training.  When I was in Anderson over the Christmas break, my brother and I did a workout together.  He made this plan for me to get started.  It’s pretty solid.

Daniel’s Arm, Back, and Shoulder Workout

On a 30 degree Incline Bench:

3 sets of 10-12 Chest Press with 15 pound dumbbell

3 sets of 10-12 Chest Flies with 10-15 pound dumbbell

On the Smith Machine:

3 sets of 20 shoulder shrugs with just bar weight

3 sets of 12 squats with 50 pounds

On the Cable Weights Machine:

3 sets of 15-20 with long chest bar (pull behind head)

3 sets of 10-12 with rope pull (light weight)

In between sets, I get restless.  I suggest doing something to keep your heart rate up.  When I’m with someone, I jump around and do jumping jacks with weights.   In my mind, it looks less dumb when I’m with a person–probably looks ridiculous regardless.  I will follow up with a suggestion for that part after I do it by myself!

Happy Lifting!

It’s a 40-10-10-5 Day

Yesterday, my brother and I did some weight lifting, so I’m pretty sore.  I think the 40-10-10-5 workout is the way to go today.  You should try it today too!  If you don’t have access to gym equipment, substitute the cardio equipment for brisk walking or jogging.  There is always a good substitute.  Leave a comment if you want more ideas!

A Few Ideas for the New Year

There is a lot of good information in paper magazines.  The kind you can’t pin or tweet.  Just paper.  So how does one share this valuable information?  Pictures.

In light of this resolution season (I don’t make resolutions–I make to-do lists), I found a few tidbits in the January issue of SELF Magazine that might guide you toward a good plan for the new year.

peppermint oil

The tip is this: put a few drops of peppermint oil in your water bottle before you head to the gym.  I’ve read before that peppermint oil gives a natural energy boost, and I bought some to put on my wrists before workouts.  I did it a few times…then forgot about it.  I hadn’t thought to drop it in my water.  Now I can put that little bottle of oil to use!

Next is a tip from the great Jillian Michaels.

jillian doesn't like working out

I admit I genuinely enjoy working out and eating healthy.  That’s not to say that I don’t have a hard time resisting foods when I know I’ve already eaten enough.  I’m not chomping at the bit to work out after work everyday.  When you’re really trying to rein it in, it’s important to resist a little more.  Or, on a stressful Wednesday evening when I want to eat everything in my refrigerator, I need to remember ice cream or french fries aren’t as exciting as still fitting in my favorite pants.

I’ve said several times that I don’t make resolutions, I just make lists.  I found some help for one of the first items on my list.

homemade sushi

I really want to make my own sushi.  Any kind.  I just want to be able to say I did it.

Also on my list is to add weight training to my workout routine.  I already do some body weight training, but I want to reduce my cardio and add more weights.  Today, my brother took me to his gym and showed me a few things.  The weights section at the gym is not familiar territory for me.  I believe I told him I felt like a fish out of water.  Nevertheless, I manned up.

lifting weightslifting weights

I will be posting some new weight routines as I get my feet wet.  Keep checking the “workouts to try” tab on the main menu.

The next item on my list?  Yoga.  Namaste until then.

Jillian Michaels: Six-Week Six Pack

I just discovered something that gives pretty much anyone no excuses for working out.  I’ve been a faithful user of Jillian Michaels’s workout DVDs for about a year now–simply because they work.  They just work.  There is a channel on YouTube that contains almost all of her DVDs.  I’m not really sure why, but I’m using them.  Today, I’m doing Six-Week Six Pack.  You should too!

All you need is a set of light weights.  I promise this thing works.

The BethFit Workout

Sore Legs and Maybe Some Pneumonia?

So, maybe I pushed a little too hard when I was sick.  I tend to do that.  I think I was fine until I went for a four-mile run on Christmas day when it was thirty degrees outside.  Dumb because:

  1. I haven’t gone for a run outside since Thanksgiving.
  2. It was stupid cold outside.
  3. I was sick.

Nevertheless, I’m feeling just fine, but I have one of those deep coughs that feels like I just can’t quite get it all.  Sorry, that was gross.

So what should a workout look like when in this condition?  Oh yea, and my legs are sore!

I’m thinking whatever I do, I need to give my lungs a little break. I think I’ll make my legs and arms a little more sore instead.  I found a workout on Pinterest the other day that I think I want to make my own variation of.

Cross Fit Workout

I’m still trying to rest my hip flexor, and it really doesn’t like running.  Instead, I think I’m going to do this on the stair stepper and the elliptical.  Here’s the plan…I’m calling it:

The BethFit Workout

  • 10 minutes on stair stepper (RPE 7)
  • 10 push-ups, 25 squats, 45 second plank
  • 10 minutes on elliptical (RPE 7)
  • 10 push-ups, 20 rear leg lifts on each leg, 30 sit-ups
  • 10 minutes on stair stepper (RPE 7)
  • 10 push-ups, 25 squats, 15 side plank lifts on each side
  • 10 minutes on elliptical (RPE 7)
  • 10 push-ups, 1 minute wall sit, 2 min circle of death
  • 5 min walk on treadmill to cool down

I’m thinking this will cut the boredom factor too…especially for the people at the gym who will try to figure out what in the world I’m doing!